I long for an open mind and new ideas. I yearn for an understanding of the nature of all living things. I pray for a connectedness with the natural world, that I may become ever more filled with generosity of spirit and true compassion and love for all life. I strive to heal the hurts that I have inflicted on nature and control my greed for material things, knowing that my actions harm our natural world and the future of my children. I want nothing more than to value each and every human being for who they are, recognizing the unique spirit that's within them and knowing the power of each individual to change the world. I long for social justice, for the alleviation of the crippling poverty that condemns millions of people around the world to lives of misery, hunger, sickness and an utter loss of hope. I cry for the victims of violence and war, for those wounded in body and mind. I detest the suffering of animals and look forward to an end to the pain caused by humans in all forms of exploitation.I pray for humility, hope, the ability to create, triumph of the human spirit, an end to all suffering and above all, peace.
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